Sunday, March 2, 2014

Waiting for residency

Well we have put in our top picks and order for residency and now we wait.  We will know if he matches on March 17 and then we find out where he matches on March 21.  We are waiting patiently.  It is like we have sent in our mission papers and now we wait to be told where we go.  It is to be announced in 3 weeks, let the countdown begin.


Susan said...

It is like even I have a pit in my stomach. We are praying for you to get the match you want...or the match Heavenly Father wants for you. We are holding our breath along with you. You HAVE to email us on March 17!!!!! And then again when you get the match. You are the best!!

Tawni Williams said...

Oh I despised the waiting game! Can't wait to hear all about the big match!!!