Thursday, August 30, 2012

Eliza meets her teacher

Yesterday Eliza met her new Kindergarten teacher.  She starts school on Tuesday and she is so anxious and excited.  I was excited for her and watched her check out her new classroom.  It looked very fun with toys and blocks and tons of learning things.  I was holding back a few tears as I saw her grow up.  I knew that this was just the beginning of a life time of learning.  This new stage of school won't stop for a long time.  I guess I was just emotional that it is finally starting for her.

At night Eliza and I talk and she was talking about Egypt.  She asked me if I knew where it was.  I said yes,  She asked me if we have been there and I said no.  She said "because it is very far away.  Is that where all the bad people are... yeah... I have heard of it."  I am not sure where she is getting her information but I loved it.


Melinda said...

Those times when life tugs at your heart. Kindergarten is one of the first. Good for her. She was ready for KG about 3 years ago, the little smartie.

JonathanJeni said...

WOW! You are right! IT's hard to imagine that Ethan just started his schooling .....hopefully at least 17 years and then some post-graduate work :)

Susan said...

I know that Eliza was so excited and ready to go to school. She will be a teacher's dream. HOWEVER, it is so hard to see them march our the door into a new life away from you!! All of a sudden you are not the only person in her life. Its pretty hard to handle.