In November we had to make some quick decisions about our future that we were not prepared for. David really felt impressed that he should re-take a class to prepare better for the STEP I test. After we both decided that this was the best for his future, not necessarily the best for the present, I had to start thinking quickly of how it was going to affect me and the kids. So with much prayer and planning, we decided to come home for Christmas and I would have the baby in the USA and then David would go back to Grenada for that semester.
After that decision was made, we had to start preparing for it, move out of our house, get a new apartment for David, see if I could have the baby in the USA, where we would stay and book flights.
We really looked forward to being home for the holidays and be in the cold and snow.
I took the kids home and then David flew to Charleston then drove all of our stuff to Idaho. We are staying at my parents home while David returns to Grenada. This is not optimal and it will be a tough year, but it will be the best for our family.
I flew to NYC and my dad met me there to help with the kids and all of the luggage I had. It was so nice to have him there to help take the kids to the bathroom, for a walk, be a distraction, and help with the luggage as I am large with child.
So quick decisions have changed the direction of our lives.