Friday, October 22, 2010

petting zoo?

On Wednesday the local Veterinarian school opened up their pasture to the kids to come in and pet the animals. Fenton loves to look at horses in books and so I thought this would be a great idea. I learned quickly that my kids like animals at a safe distance and contained.
We went to the pasture and they just let us in to roam with the animals. Fenton was already in hysterics when we went through the gates. He was crying and holding on to me for dear life. Eliza was hiding behind my leg the whole time.
The animals there were horses, cows, donkeys and 2 very large bulls. These were big animals and any movement from the animals the kids would cling on even tighter. The animals were walking around freely so they would come right next to us, right behind us and follow us and frighten the kids. I was a little jumpy too, I have to admit.
We stayed only 30 minutes before I was carrying both of them with the faces buried in my chest. After about 10 minutes I thought that I should have brought my camera, but as the time passed I realized that there was no way I could have taken any pictures with my kids scared and my hands full. Needless to say my kids probably won't grow up to be vets.


Melinda said...

I would have loved to see a video of that. So so funny.

Susan said...

That is too funny. Wish I'd been there with a camera. Where do kids get that? I took Cassidy for a walk up the street from her house. She saw a black dog about a block away and just had a fit. I tried to keep her on the ground as the dog walked calmly by but just like you said, she climbed up my leg and into my arms in 2 seconds.